Ready for a fun and awesome experience full of dodging, ducking, shooting, and's nerf war time! Bolt is a state of the art facility that offers this one-of-a-kind exhilarating game. We have the gym space, obstacles, equipment, ambience, and set up in place for a great time. Sign up and claim a spot to take full advantage of playing nerf war!

There are only 24 spaces per session, so registration will be done on a first come, first serve basis.
In order to sign up for a nerf war slot, you will need to create an account here.
After you have created your account, go to Booking > Nerf Wars.
From there, you can select which sessions you wish to attend and sign your student up.
Nerf War Procedure:
Students will bring their own guns, we provide the nerf bullets. Guns MUST be labeled with the student’s name, either in sharpie or with a name tag.
The price for Nerf Wars is $45. If you would like to use make-up tokens, it will be 3 make-up tokens per student.
The event lasts for 2.5 hours, with the first hour and a half spent in teams moderated by the instructors, and the last hour split 50/50 between a free-for-all and an Instructor vs Student round.
During each round, they get 5 minutes to set up, and 8 minutes of war before they are allowed to blitz/rush.
If your gun gets shot, it counts as out.
NO HEADSHOTS! More than 2 is not “accidental” and will result in the student’s removal from that heat.
All long-distanced guns must be shot from a distance. No close shots with powerful guns.
Gym Policies:
At any time, without notice, certain equipment may be roped off or otherwise restricted during open gym for safety reasons.
All participants must wear appropriate attire including athletic pants (no jeans) and other athletic gear.
Drinks or food of any kind (with the exception of a water bottle), including gum, are prohibited at all times in the gym.